Winner of the 2024 Andrew Kapochunas Lithuanian Environmental Map Award and my presentation "How Falsified Ethnic Maps Helped Determine theEastern Boundaries of Post-WWI Lithuania and Poland"
Updated: Dec 26, 2024

Centras: Dr. Giedrei Godienei įteikta A. Kapočiūno premija
Giedrė Godienė (su Raminta Povilaitytė, ir Samanta Klusytė): “Žvilgsnis į Lietuvą” - tai Pasaulinei Geografijos Nakčiai dedikuota geo-akcija, kurios metu atliktas siocialinis kraštovaizdžio suvokimo tyrimas ir drauge sukurtas interaktyvus Ikoninių Lietuvos vaizdų žemėlapis. (Giedrė Godienė (with Raminta Povilaitytė, and Samanta Klusytė): Internet map project.)
"Looking at Lithuania" is a geo-action dedicated to World Geography Night April 2023, during which the Society of Lithuanian Geographers and Vilnius University geographers invited all Lithuanians to participate in a social survey of landscape perception, and together create an interactive map of iconic Lithuanian landscape photographs. They encouraged people to visit the places they considered most important, photograph them, and upload photos to the interactive map.
Here are the pages, with English translations. The interactive internet site:

Presentation of the award:

The history of my environmental map award:
At the entrance to CartoCon: an attendee looking at the poster announcing my new map site:

CartoCon photos: Nuotraukos Flickr
YouTubes of CartoCon 2024: Vaizdo įrašas Youtube (1 dalis)
My 15-minute presentation: "How Falsified Ethnic Maps Helped Determine the Eastern Boundaries of Post-WWI Lithuania and Poland" ((Kaip falsifikuoti etniniai žemėlapiai padėjo nustatyti rytines Lietuvos ir Lenkijos ribas po pirmojo pasaulinio karo) From 3:19:34 to 3:37:16
Ambassador, PERMANENT MISSION OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA TO THE UN Rytis Paulauskas, speaking in Lithuanian regarding the successor site to which he, and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, helped transition to From 3:40:28 to 3:47:03
My awarding the 2024 Environmental Map prize: From 3:47:03 to $:07:22